Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I was lucky enough to get out to a Dr.Sketchy night on Sunday, where upon I sat in the pub, pint in one hand, sketchpad in the other, and tried to draw whilst admiring the beautiful models in burlesque.
Which was nice.

Poses sranged from 1 and 2 mins, to 10 mins max, or there might have been one 15.
Anyways, had a great time, really good night, would recommend it, and will probably try and catch them in London in the near future. Oh - the volcanoes, voting cards and....platipus - they were crazy challenges set by the host. There weren't actually any Platupi in lingerie at the event. Platupi? Platupusses? Platu-pie? mmmm :)

Friday, April 09, 2010


Friday! Woo! But before I hit the pub, I've just got time to post's the colour version of the first of my new Uncanny Sketchmen challenges, which u can check out from the links on the right....that involved sticking to black n white, but i wanted to push this thing into the land of colour, so here we go. He's inspired by a few diferent things, vultures, antlers, lizards, and just my wierd head. Right - pub time, Have a good one!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010



Been trying to draw alot more recently , so this guy is basically just one of many sketches i've been working through to the colour stage, with about 2 to 3 more in photoshop at some stage or another. I was starting to work towards drawing a Tokyo gang, but this guy is more just your average street punter. Hopefully I'll get on to the actual gang soon, but up next under this theme is probably the detective chasing them. Anyways, this guy was fun, played around with the opacity of the pencil layer alot, and ended up barely using it, which was a nice change.

In other news - The Uncanny Sketchmen have returned!
We finally got our butts in gear and started setting drawing challenges again, so you can check out the results so far at the link below.....I'm planning on taking my creature design through the colour process for this blog. Hopefully we can keep up a good momentum on sketchmen and post 3 or 4 new things a month!


Stay frosty!