Howdy....ok, so it might be a little longer than i planned since my last post, but things have gotten just a little bit busy at work. I did however find time to get my butt down to the awesome Movie Comic & Media Expo in London this weekend. I've only done this con once before, when I launched issue 1 of astrofunk - since then it's changed a little , but obviously for the better, as it was chockablock full of funky anime costumes and comic fans - apparently taking a record attendance of 41,000! wowzas. Anyways, I got to meet and catch up with some mega cool people, sell some comics, practice my sketching skills with a couple of comissions like Wolverine above, and generally have an awesome time. Thanks to everyone who dropped by and picked up the comic, hope you're enjoying it. Hopefully I won't leave it as long before returning to this con next time!
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