hOLEY mOLEY! i am knackered! Sellin you're comic is more tiring than i imagined :) Been at the London expo all weekend, had a great time, met lots of awesome folks, thanks to everyone who popped over and said HOWDY, and an even bigger thanks to everyone who picked up the comic. or a badge pack, or tees, all muchos thanks! Got some great feedback and awesome comments from peeps, and I was especially chuffed to get the "hey, reminds me of jet set radio" nod, made my day :) even one guy who didn't pick it up coz it was "too cartoon network" i took as a pretty big complement :) Now it's on with issue 2, got some good rough work done today at the con for some pages, plus i got a bunch of sketches done over the weekend that i'll post tomorrow, but for now sleep beckons, so thanks again to everyone for an awesome weekend! gidnight!