...this is Elliot. Born 11.30 am on friday, third of August 2007, on a gorgeous sunny day in Guildford. He's an absolute belter, and i have the craziest feeling of euphoric natural high wierdness :) ...plus i already have a spiderman costume for when he is 1.5 yrs old, so this kid is 'Lucky' ( napoleon dynamite voice ). Anyways, i spent the afternoon drawing him whilst his amazing mother got some much needed and deserved sleep. It's only a photo of the sketch, i left the pad at the hospital, so its not great quality...but i can't wait to stick it online, so i'll probs update with a better quality scan in a couple of days. So this really is where it begins, and I'm sure you'll be seeing alot more of this little guy on the blog.
Dad out :)
This is a really lovely sketch Ross!
Hey - Congratulations Ross & Rowan!
And you're right, the sooner he's out of all that cutesy teddy bear stuff, and into the superhero gear - the better! :¬)
Congratulations Ross!!!! Great news! you must be one proud man! Great drawing too :)
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