HOWDYHOWDYHOWDY! It's been a long night, and my whiskey glass is getting empty, but finally I have it - the first 2 totally finished pages of ASTROFUNK 2!! It feels great to be back in the world of astrofunk drawing these characters again...I've got alot of issue 2 drawn out and ready to colour, so it's a definite release for later this year, as for exactly when, stay tuned..... These 2 pages are 8 and 9, so not the beginning of the issue, but a good place to give u a preview without reavealing too many of my secrets :) Gotta say a big thanks to everyone who has been asking about the second issue, always fantastic to hear from someone who enjoyed the first one, really gets me even more excited to be working on this sequel....so I hope u all enjoy these pages, be sure to let me know what u think! Up next is some Captain Fuzzball, I'm working in a slightly diferent format for him at the moment, with quick little one scene gags, the first of which will be up next week....this is a format I've always enjoyed when done by the masterful Bill Watterson in Calvin & Hobbes, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Hopefully it means you get more captain fuzzball up here on the blog regularly, albeit in smaller doses....but don't worry , I have 2 or 3 larger adventures in the works for him, including of course the back up strip in AF2. Anyways, I think I should finally call it a night and allow myself to sleep......hope u enjoy these pages, thanks again for support and be sure to say Hi....Goodnight~!