Finally got my pin-up done for the tenth anniversary of Jet Set Radio, and just in time too. Didn't get nearly as much time on this as i would have liked, was hoping to incorporate rival gangs and a few more elements, spend a little longer on it in general, but I'm quite pleased with it, and it was certainly great fun drawing all the GGs.....check out the other anniversary pics at the JSR10 blog
Check out the brand new first ever footage of my new game Spare Parts.....I was only involved with this at the Storyboard stage, but the guys have produced a fantastic trailer with some great animation and interplay between the two robots, combined with some cool gameplay footage....
Just a quick post to highlight my newly announced game from EA Brightlight. I'm lead concept artist on SPARE PARTS, and we've just released the first screenshots and description of the game.....I picked the Eurogamer site to show off the link, as i love their description 'Hurrah! A videogame that sounds like a videogame!' :) Hit the link below to read more about the game.
What? It was the 25th anniversary of 'Goonies' yesterday? ( one of the most awesome kids adventure movie ever ) Dang - well to celebrate, I thought I'd do a quick sketch on my lunch break - so this took about 45 mins to rough and finish, then spent half an hour in photoshop just tweaking and stuff. Great fun.
Time to get back to listening to the score.....aaah, Fratelli chase!
Recently I got lucky enough to be invited to work on some original Sketch Cards for the 'Pulp Girls' line over at SuperRealGraphics. Basically a 'sketch card' is an original piece of artwork that if you're really lucky, like the luckiest guy ever, having a lucky day, drinking luck potion in the land of luck - then u might get one of these badboys :) - So it's another challenge for me in that there's no Edit-Undo or Photoshop to clean up mistakes - much like last weekend at the convention, it pushes u back to basics, and is great fun at polishing your colouring in skills :) As you can see, my desk was covered in Markers, FineLiners, Posca Paint pens, anything i could find....I had spent a good few hours just roughing out poses and ideas, and I was a lot more careful and patient than when working on a piece which i am gonna take to into photoshop, but really enjoyed drawing all 12 cards - can't reveal any of them yet, but they're coming out in July , so I'll get them on the blog soon-ish. Anyways, I always like seeing pics of where artists work, so thought I'd stick some photos of my mess up here!
Howdy....ok, so it might be a little longer than i planned since my last post, but things have gotten just a little bit busy at work. I did however find time to get my butt down to the awesome Movie Comic & Media Expo in London this weekend. I've only done this con once before, when I launched issue 1 of astrofunk - since then it's changed a little , but obviously for the better, as it was chockablock full of funky anime costumes and comic fans - apparently taking a record attendance of 41,000! wowzas. Anyways, I got to meet and catch up with some mega cool people, sell some comics, practice my sketching skills with a couple of comissions like Wolverine above, and generally have an awesome time. Thanks to everyone who dropped by and picked up the comic, hope you're enjoying it. Hopefully I won't leave it as long before returning to this con next time!