Woo!! Thought I'd let you all know that the new Fanboy website is up and running! Two of our t-shirts are currently available to purchase, with a couple more designs coming very soon, plus there's free desktops, and a forum were trying to get up and running , so feel free to jump over there and post any sorts of gaming news.
I'll keep this site updated with when new stuff gets thrown up on Fanboy, and apologies for my crap modelling of the t-shirts :)
ooh so he's an entrepaneur now
i can't take the piss really cos i reckon you'll make a mint.
good idea.
can't believe the names not been taken already.
any going cheap to a good home?...thought not you stingy bastard.
hehe...just kidding.
will buy one soon...to support the cause.
fan on!
Mark T said you were starting this up. Good stuff, hope it goes well.
Just doing the rounds at the moment. only cause I noticed your blog link on your MSN :)
hey ross, looking good! think i might have to make a purchase!!!
all the best with it!
mmmmm... me likey.
Just ordered another 2 wii games today even though I dont know if I can afford it by xmas....
..can you do a SMB 3 one for me please? (the raccoon mario transfer I got when I was about 12 is still waiting for the perfect tee)
MARIO 3 is an absolute classic , i loved playing that on my nes back in the day....we have thought about doing one based on that, so u never know...but it wont be for a little while yet....what Wii games have u pre-ordered? ...at the moment i'm thinking i will purchase zelda, maybe tony hawks, probably monkey ball
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