These are crazy crazy crazy CRAZY NIGHTS!! - kiss it up folks, 4 pages of astrofunkiness for your viewing pleasure....man alive, taking a lot of work this 'make a comic in my spare time' shenanigans, but lovin every minute of it, and almost half way through this issue....deadline is July for finishing the roughly 22 -26 pages, but as u can see that means that my dearly beloved blog here doesn't get updated very frequently....pretty much all i am doing is this comic right now, if i'm not roughing out new pages or colouring up others, then i'm working on a pinup or logo....but, i do have a little pinup of the one and only Peter Parker in full swing ( awesome pun intended ) ..so i should get that up next week....anyways, hope u enjoy these pages, lemme know whatchyall think, and the next 4 should be up real soon, with a bit of a change of scenario....yup, it's bad dude time....see ya in the Future!
oh yeah...why the heck is this font underlined?!? :)
Hehe, fannyballz... nice.
on a completely different note.. R2D2 mail boxes!
Excellent work Ross!
These pages are looking great - really clear action & layout design - cool!
BTW: you obviously got a great deal on the old pink digital paint right? Hope you don't run out ;¬)
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