I was lucky enough to get out to a Dr.Sketchy night on Sunday, where upon I sat in the pub, pint in one hand, sketchpad in the other, and tried to draw whilst admiring the beautiful models in burlesque. Which was nice.
Poses sranged from 1 and 2 mins, to 10 mins max, or there might have been one 15. Anyways, had a great time, really good night, would recommend it, and will probably try and catch them in London in the near future. Oh - the volcanoes, voting cards and....platipus - they were crazy challenges set by the host. There weren't actually any Platupi in lingerie at the event. Platupi? Platupusses? Platu-pie? mmmm :)
these are ace I should really get my hide along
REALLY nice stuff! well done
Amazing pics!
Great sketchs, Buddy!
The blog (The blog's name I dare not pronounce!hahah) is each day so Awesome!
Ariba muchacho! Oo
nice! Verrrrryyyy nice!
Lovely lines, here... And I also feel the colours so much, man. ^_-
Cool! what an awesome sketches. .=)
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