Finally put together the tutorial I mentioned a few posts ago
Separating Line Art in Photoshop
- it's pretty old skool now, but it still works really well, and is still the best method I've seen ( other than obviously drawing straight in with yer wacom or cintique! ) But once u do this a couple of times it's easy and quick, so thanks to Pete Clark for teaching me this in College all those years ago!!
i don't know, that seems like a lot of work. isn't it just easier to put your line art on a layer and set it to 'multiply?' that works well for me, and it only involves 2 steps.
good pic...
embedded design
i don't know, that seems like a lot of work. isn't it just easier to put your line art on a layer and set it to 'multiply?' that works well for me, and it only involves 2 steps.
Is that technique used in movies? Will you share its video
photoshop tutorials ?
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