I could perhaps maybe be possibly tempted to draw some more Astrofunk :)
Been enjoying scribbling away with some new Caligraphy pens - which I used for all of the below - u get a great fresh line with a real mixture if weight to it, more energy. Obviously it means if you make a mistake u either try to disguise it or start over, but hey that's part of the risk reward with these guys! Then I splashed some quick colour in photoshop to punch a few things out.....
But yeah, I am toying with a new Astrofunk idea, looking at what I would want to do....it would definitely be shorter in page count, and I'd probably start looking at just a real short 5 to 8 page thing and see how that goes. Anyway, it's been fun drawing Bad dude Byakko again, it would be cool to pit him against a huge monster. - Thoughts?
Back in a couple days with more stuff! - Over and out!
So I'm trying to do some more digital painting, and this one is just a quick test with some new Custom brushes. Just fly straight in, not really knowing what you're gonna paint, and see what happens. My first attempt didn't fly, but this one started to look ok, so gradually added more elements - all the foreground stuff wasn't there initially, but the value range wasn't large enough, so got some darker blacks in there. Think this one turned out ok...I like that although it looks like the humans are worshipping the robot dude you're not sure whether their gonna fight it or not......hopefully keep going with practising more of this kind of stuff, plus got a few more things in the pipeline. Lovin the photoshop right now!
ok, so I bumped into a couple of Stormtroopers today in hmv, somehow managing not to buy the Blu-Ray complete StarWars saga there on the spot....must wait until payday! Anyway, it made me wanna come home and finish this off, been doing it on and off in the background for a week or two. EA's 'The Old Republic' looks awesome, and the 3 trailers released so far are epic beyond phantom menace proportions ( actually Attack of the Clones is my least favourite but don't get me started on that! ) This guy, Darth Malgus, really lept out in the first trailer as this bad ass Vader esque sith lord, throwing his saber around and generally kickin' ass! So I thought I'd sketch him up in a much more cartoony style than any of the official art you'll see, and get some of that saber action into the pic. It's not even that late tonight, so I might just go back to photoshop and do something else! ...Just got to figure out what? hmmm...
I've been awake for hours today...woke up at 5.00am and could not get back to sleep. Too many ideas going through my head...I've been reading a few more comics recently, and it's been giving me the old itch. So rather than go back to bed this morning I ended up doodling Astrofunk! ( with Countdown on in the background ) . It was a lot of fun, and I've got a few ideas I'm messing around with on what I would do if I draw some more. But that's another story, maybe I'll stick some doodles up here soon.
For now, this is a quick digital painting practice - spotted a cool picture of a piranha online, and it was the basis for a dragon creature inspired by aquatic creatures. I like the idea of painting up a full body shot of this dude, maybe eating a Shark to show how massive he is, but this head study took maybe 1 hour or so, around that. I've been looking at creature design a little more recently, so will have some similar stuff up here again shortly.
Yo - back once again with another quickie. Didn't spend too long on this as I've got loads of more important stuff to be getting on with drawing and painting, and I've done stuff like this before, but it was a lunch break sketch I thought I'd colour up simply. I do like the idea of doing something with Skateboarding bad-asses, flying down a half pipe shooting stuff....nice.Gonna go get on with another pic! Back again very soon!
ps - The background graf texture is from my mate Max's texture site, link below, cool stuff. Cheers Max!
Hey - I did say Arnie style 'I'd be back' , and here I am - just a quickie with a hotty - Zombabe to be precise. Just a quick doodle that I decided to paint up, not spending too long over it at all, just havin' a laugh - the most fun was figuring out what to write - I came up with some pretty dodgy dirty weird stuff along the way - but that probably doesn't surprise most of you who know me!Back with some more on...Sunday night I think. Adios!