Just a quick update...wanted to put up the rough work and pencil line for Biker...originally i sketched out roughs of a huge fat guy skidding on his lil' bike, or a gang of big burly guys on their choppers...but that might've been too much work :)
Also, the second page are roughs for the next sketch club theme 'KNIGHT'...these are just my roughs, I'm working on a final line art at the moment, so that should be up maybe at the weekend. And yes there is more comic stuff coming sometime soon, probably 'Fuzzball' in flavour :)
Great stuff as always Ross! Your sketch stuff is amazing - it was great before, but I can definitely see progress from those lonely nights at EA! The Glen sketch cracks me up :) The colours on your biker sketch - ace!
nice work chief....loving the sketches for 'Knight'....great proportions, nice n' bulky. Can't wait to see the final thing. I'm sure it'll rock the sock off my....
hey burt, your sketches are always full of energy. im liking the quick sketch of the biker on his bike with his buddies! cant wait for your knight, looking quality already!
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